- - W A R N I N G - -

Sometimes I’m nice, jovial, laid back, refined, profound, and thoughtful.

Sometimes I’m mean, angry, spun up, vulgar, shallow, and inconsiderate.

In other words…


Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's about time others, outside our close knit little family, recognize his brilliance.  Exhibit A, Exhibit B & Exhibit C.  Congratulations boss!  You deserve it!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rectal-Cranial Inversion

A seven year old has been accused of sexual harassment after he kicked a bully in the twig & berries.   Take a look at the article.  According to the kid's mother, the bully was choking him in an attempt to steal his gloves.  In my opinion, the kid responded in-kind.  I'm willing to bet that bully will think twice before trying to take something that doesn't belong to him.  But to my point..if you want to chastise the boy for fighting, then I can deal...but don't accuse him of sexual harassment.  I mean...if we're going to do that, then (like the commenter said) charge the bully w/ attempted murder.  Let's move on to the real point...this is fucking stupid.  Whichever left wing fucktard came up w/ this brilliant idea needs to have their ass to ear ratio adjusted.  Oh, oh, oh....maybe they should be kicked in the balls.  Well...that last one will be pending until we figure out if they even have balls.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And the winner of the "My Brand New Hero" award goes to...

Apparently he didn't think that assuming the roll of one of the most celebrated action heroes was enough.  Now Daniel Craig has gone and done this.  I wonder if his "Double 0" status extends to the States.  Joint operation, maybe?  The Pentagon could just look other way for five minutes.  Three?  Better yet...maybe they can just blink really long...

Monday, September 5, 2011



After reading this story, the left & right sides of my brain turned to each other and said..."I'm takin' a nap."

Monday, July 25, 2011

       I was planning on discussing tonight's speeches, but I've decided to allowed "those who said it best" sum it up for you.  Click the audio below and save yourselves the better part of an hour.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

      I'm reminded of something Christopher Titus once stated.

"The mistake I made was after my last show I said, god give me a new idea for a new special, and god went, You're getting a divorce.  So it turns out you got to be a lot more fucking specific when you talk to god.  Don't just give him a blank slate and let him run with it."

      Something about this seems familiar.  I was amazed!  My last post goes up at 6am...long night...and then that afternoon, I get a request for help.  I remember thinking, "either somebody is as cloak & dagger as moi (which I'd be amazed and proud of), or the universe really likes to help a brother out." Then I find out that the universe really likes to screw w/ a brother.  I kind of feel like Daffy Duck when he tried his hand at being Robin Hood.  "Ho!  Haha!  Guard!  Turn!  Parry!  Dodge!  Spin!  Ha!  Thrust! (insert sound effect)" Poor Daffy.  Always with the beak.  Ah hell...at least I'm helping.  Not the sort of help I was shootin' for, but help nonetheless.  I guess beggars can't be choosers.  A win's a win.

Monday, July 4, 2011

      In my short time, on this rock, I've been through a lot.  Mind you, not as much as some...but I've had my fair share.  They've been painful experiences (physical & mental).  Honestly, I'd rather not have to experience them ever again.  They were not fun.  But I've found something that bothers me more.  It's having to stand idly by while a friend goes through one of these experiences.  In fact, it's two friends now.  Not connected, though.  Similar situations and similar personalities.  I'm not the "go to" for either of them.  But I sure as hell get to hear about both.  I just don't get to help.  A lot of people would stand here and say that they're glad that they don't have to be that "go to" person.  They are glad that they don't have to deal with someone else's bullshit.  Well...that's not me.  I don't do well with idle stances.  If I can help...I damn well want to help.  Hell...I don't know if I can help.  I don't know if I would say the right things.  All I know is that I hate being put on the sidelines when I have ideas.  I hate "thinking" that I could make it better.  I hate seeing a friend in pain.  I hate not being allowed to help.  It just tears me up inside.